The ACTS dormitory accommodates 270 students. It reflects the very nature of ACTS mission, where the international community cohabites together with the following emphases:
Students have to attend the chapel meetings to earn a credit for Spiritual Practicum as part of requirements for graduation.
All AIGS students are encouraged to be active in Weekend Ministry. You may attend Sunday worship service regularly. You may serve as a pastor for youth, college, or workers in a church or a mission organization. In any case you have to update your ministry, do it through AIGS homepage to Chaplain’s Office.
“You will be for me a kingdom priests and a holy nation.” (Exod. 19:6)
“Speak to the entire assembly Israel and say to them: Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” (Lev 19:2)
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1Pet 2:9)
ACTS is an international school with a rich heritage of service as a Christian educational institution in the evangelical tradition. As such we encourage students to willingly conform to the standards of conduct that is compatible with what the Bible sets out.
AIGS students are encouraged to live on things that are “true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable.” (Phil 4:8)
Actions such as drunkenness, profane language, cult involvement, cheating, plagiarism, pornography, breaking of the biblical marital principles and sexual relationships, and any other acts that disgrace the Christian community will be subject to counseling and disciplinary action.
For instance, according to AIGS Academic Regulations, the student who is caught cheating or plagiarizing will be subject to disciplinary action for the first instance and expulsion for the second instance. Thus, students are asked to affirm the following statement as the AIGS Honor System for all examinations and any individual and group papers and may be asked to sign this pledge on the cover or first page of examinations:
“I pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received any assistance – verbal, written, or electronic – on this examination beyond that specifically permitted by the instructor in charge.”
Students are asked to write out and to sign this pledge at the end of every paper:
“I understand and have not violated the AIGS/ACTS’s position on plagiarism.”
The AIGS covenant of community life is set not for the sake of punishment, but to encourage students to mature in the fullness of Christ in our vision to minister the body of Christ as the light and salt of the world.