B.Th. Nilgiris Institute of Christian Studies, India (2006)
M.Div. Church on the Rock Theological Seminary, India (2009)
Th.M. Aisa United Theological University, Korea (2013)
Ph.D. Aisa United Theological University, Korea (2020)
Lee, Han Young
Dean of AIGS
Executive Vice-President
Tel. (+8231) 770-7888
E-mail: hyl@acts.ac.kr
Lee, Myoung Seok
AIGS Chaplain
Academic and Campus life Counselling,
Administrative Advisory
Tel. (+8231) 770-7818
E-mail: brightlee@acts.ac.kr
Jung, Yung-il
AIGS Registrar
Admission, Academic Affairs
Tel. (+8231) 770-7812
Fax.(+8231) 770-7774
E-mail: dream@acts.ac.kr
Kim, Jin-Hwa
AIGS Staff
Scholarship, Students’ Affairs, Fund Management
Tel. (+8231) 770-7813
Fax.(+8231) 770-7774
E-mail: jina@acts.ac.kr